Students who wish to transfer to another programme (in Singapore campus) must complete the Request for Transfer of Programme form, obtainable from the Student and Administration Services Department, 30 days prior to the commencement of the New Term. An administration fee of S$200 (exclusive of GST) will be levied. A student is allowed to transfer between programmes within the Singapore campus only once with the approval of both Programme Leaders. The College will issue a Standard PEI-Student Contract before the commencement of the New term.
Course Fees will be re-calculated based on the new programme from the effective month of transfer, taking into consideration any exemptions from the previous programme. The new Course Fees will be paid according to the new payment schedule. No refund will be made for discontinuation of studies in the former programme before the transfer.
Continuation in the new programme is also subject to:
- The module(s) being offered in the term
- Availability of vacancy
- Whether outstanding term/retake fees due have been paid in full
As a result of this transfer, student may require more than three years to complete their studies. For Student’s Pass holders, any extension required is subjected solely to the approval of the Immigration and Checkpoints Authority (ICA).
If the renewal application is not approved, the College will submit an appeal for the first instance. If this is not approved, students may have to discontinue their studies, and may be expected to leave Singapore at short notices. In such an event, students may approach the Student and Services Department for advice.
Students who wish to transfer to another Associate College must complete the Application for Transfer of School form, obtainable from the Student and Administration Services Department, 3 months before the commencement of the New Term. An administration fee of S$300 (exclusive of GST) will be levied.
Transferring students will have to pay the remaining Course Fees instalments of the new school. No refund will be made for discontinuation of studies in RCHE before the transfer.
As a result of this transfer, the student may require more than three years to complete their studies. If the student is on Student’s Pass, any extension required is subjected solely to the approval of the Immigration and Checkpoint Authority (ICA).
Continuation in the new programme is also subject to:
- The module(s) being offered in the term
- Availability of vacancy
- Whether outstanding term/retake fees due have been paid in full
The transfer is subject to the approval of the Programme Leaders from both Associate Colleges.