I’m currently building up my own brand, in partnership with also a Raffles graduate Sylvia Widjaja. We are doing bridal and evening wear. But for my bridal line, my collection is pretty simple, its more into European style. Raffles has been supporting in marketing boost, marketing post graduates. Raffles has been also helping me to achieve my master degree in a very prestigious university by giving me alot of recommendations and references. And people are quite impressed with my portfolio which i achieved here in Raffles. Raffles has shaped me into a good Fashion Designer with a very strong foundation and basics. As a fashion designer we don’t only design, we don’t only sketch or draw, but we need to know the basic how to create the garments from zero: from pattern making, sewings, thats what i gained the most here. I gain alot from especially the lecturers, Mr Joe spinelli, he has been a very dedicated lecturer for me. Joe has been v helpful til now, after 10 years i graduated he still helping me if i have any questions, if i have any difficulties on running on my business, he still open up. Following passions and do it with diligence, those hardwork it get paid off. Founder of Grace Bridal Couture. Graduated from Raffles College of Higher Education, Bachelor in Fashion Design in 2004.